Michael Zinoviev

Hi, my name is Michael a Full Stack Web developer.


Angular - EShop

React - Vacations

WeatherApp - React

Twitter Bot - NodeJS

JQuery + Ajax - Cryptonite

JavaScript - Todo

React - Servers

Angular - Family Tasks


Graduated with honors from a Full Stack developer course in web technologies at John Bryce College and there I gained experience in developing end-to-end web applications with react, angular, nodeJS, SQL, mongoDd, typescript, javascript.

Highly motivated and strong in my ability to self-learn. I can study any subject confidently, while solving work challenges. In my free time I like to explore APIs, build bots for different needs in NodeJS and trying new problems on my own.

TypeScript | React + Redux | Angular | Node.js + Express | JavaScript | MySQL | MongoDB + Mongoose | HTML5 | CSS3 | SASS | Bootstrap | GIT | JQuery + Ajax | RestFull | Wordpress | PHP
Open-minded | Problem solver | Fast learner